Fishing is still good at Lake Sabrina , largest fish was a 4 lb. trout caught by Gary Billings

Lake Sabrina - Bishop, CA (Inyo County)

by Rick, Patti, Juanita and Jerrod

Wow, can you believe it - September - hopefully we have enough water to get thru another month - yup, it's going down fast. It is what it is, but hey, there's lots less area for those fish to hide in.

Bit more color showing around the Lake not sure how fast the colors will come this year, but we'll keep you informed around our next of the woods. I think we may be getting close to that nip in the air you get when you know fall is right around the corner. It's chillier and lots darker when we're getting up in the morning - so I know it's not too far away. Now might also be the time to start the warning to watch out for photographers - had a charter bus up in the parking lot this weekend - just stay alert for them and deer - they're on the move, too.

Chuck Kilpatrick of Bishop made the scenery even more pretty by bring up the 2012 California State Rodeo queen Taylor Renihan of Cottonwood and her mom, Megan. Bishop will once again host the California State Rodeo in June of 2013. Can't wait to have those kids and their families back in town!

And now to fishing, Gary Billings of Redlands, landed a 4-pound Alper using a NightCrawler. Isaiah Rivera (5 years old) of Whittier caught his very first fish ever at Lake Sabrina this Labor Day Weekend - he then went on to catch a limit with Yellow & Green PowerBait and provide a fish dinner for his family - Great Job, Isaiah!

We got another load of DFG fish on Wednesday and they'll continue to stock as long as they can get to the water. And to catch those fish along with the load of Alpers the Bishop Chamber put in you might try using NightCrawlers, PowerBait or jigs. Trolling Thomas Buoyants, NightCrawlers or WoolyBuggers. Drifting the rock piles or shoreline between the two natural lakes with NightCrawlers or PowerBait. Shore fishing with NightCrawler, PowerBait or Salmon Eggs. Pretty much sounds like last week and the week before and the week before, but you all know that's what works in Lake Sabrina.

We have new Lake Sabrina family member - Ralphie - a male lab - it's Len and Ginny's - so now their family include Len, Ginny, SweetPea, Ralphie, Joe and Ollie. Len and Ginny are responsible for putting in the flowers on the deck - they just seem to brighten up the place! Thanks, guys for all you do!

New "Feed our Fish" Program Puts Lunkers in Lakes!
A few months back, the Bishop Chamber launched the new "Feed our Fish" program and it's going remarkably well! The concept is straightforward - we've asked people who believe that trout fishing is important to contribute funds that we use to purchase and plant Alpers Trout.

"We hope to keep the program going year-round, stocking Bishop Creek Canyon during the summer and Pleasant Valley Reservoir and Lower Owens River in the winter," explains Tawni Thomson. "Of course, we'll need some more help from people that believe in the importance of fishing here in the Eastern Sierra and any contribution would be greatly appreciated."

If you would like to become a "Feed our Fish" sponsor - give Tawni a call at (760)873-8405.

Well this is the 10th week of working on the bridge and boy are they gettin' it done! Just to recap - the first week - they had roped off the North Lake Hiker parking area at the North Lake road last week - the second week a storage container and forklift were delivered to the roped off area. Now for the 3rd week - we couldn't figure out what was done on the bridge last week. The 4th week progress report - nothing has progressed as far as we can tell. So now for the 5th week - Rick talked with the project manager and apparently they needed a few more permits, but we hear there'll be physical progress this coming week! So the progress for the 6th week is - we now have not one but two stoplights on the Lake Sabrina Road - and we do ask that you obey the lights - or you may be backing up on the narrow road - with the installation of lots of K-rails on the road to protect the bridge crew. They also placed huge concrete blocks down in the creek bed. The 7th week brought more changes in the landscape around the bridge - there's a lot of the dirt & rock to the east of the bridge missing. During the 8th week, they moved masses amounts of earth and rock and I mean masses. They've slowed the water coming out of the Lake as they're working down in the creek bed by the bridge, so the Lake has actually come up a bit - not much, but we'll take anything we can get. The 9th week, lots more dirt and rocks have been moved out of the way - they got lucky and hit a natural fracture in the rocks - that will be the new side of the road. Hopefully, next week we'll have a picture of what the cement work will look like around the bridge. And the 10th week, boy, have they moved tons of rock and dirt or what - they worked from morning to evening this week - and progress was made as you can see in the picture - didn't get a chance to get the picture of what the cement work will look like - but keep the faith - we'll get it for you. We'll keep posting pictures each week to let you know what's happening. THE CYCLE ON THE RED LIGHT TAKES ABOUT 2 MINUTES - PLEASE BE PATIENT - DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU HAVING TO BACK UP ON THE ROAD. We are assured the road will remain open during the season, so do not fret, you will be able to get to the Lake.

KEEPING THIS IN - Remember if you do use some sunscreen, skeeter juice, Foo-foo juice or SANITIZER you need to really wash your hands before fishing - then rub some Salmon Egg juice, worm dirt to take that smell off. Remember your polarized dark glasses and sunscreen - we've seen a few anglers that looked a bit like cooked lobster. Also, wear something on your feet that will protect them from hooks, glass, etc - there's a lot of that stuff around!

Temperatures are expected to be in the mid 70's with lows in the low to mid 40's. DON'T FORGET TO PACK A JACKET WHEN YOU COME TO THE LAKE. Please check and enter ASPENDELL, CA on the site and it will give you a fairly good hint at the weather or check in with Howard at

And, of course, we'll have HOMEMADE pie and ice cream (until it's gone), sodas, beer, wine, coffee, tea and hot cocoa!

Looking forward to seeing you all in the very near future.

Juanita, Rick, Patti, Bryan, Len, Ginny & Thomas

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