Lake Skinner Fish Report for 9-23-2019
Catfish in High Action This Week
Lake Skinner - Temecula, CA (Riverside County)

by Lake Skinner Marina Staff
(951) 926-8515
The water temperature is 73 degrees, water level is slightly down this past week.
Striper: Medium Action: Striper boils early morning over by the dam and in the East End. There is a large amount of baitfish throughout the lake!
Blue Gill: Slow Action: Changing of the season, there have been no reports of bluegills.
Catfish: High Action: This week there have been plenty of cats being caught over at ramp 2 and the inlet. Chicken liver and anchovies are still your best bet..
Large Mouth: Medium Action: the largemouth bass are over on the north shore and across from the marina, try catching them on purple and green robo worms, soft plastics, jerkbaits and topwater lures.
Trout: No action/no trout plants.
Carp: Huge and plenty… come and get them, teach the kids a new challenge.
Stop by the camp store or marina and share your fishing stories with us and get a picture taken so we can post it on FB. Stocking of Catfish will be 9/27/19.
Catch and release is a great thing to practice to insure the species a healthy abundant environment to keep on producing for many more years of fun here.
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