Lake Casitas Fish Report for 4-4-2008
Lake Casitas Fish Report 04-04-2008
Lake Casitas - Ventura, CA (Ventura County)

by Casitas Lake Staff
Fishing has continued strong in-spite of a plunging stock market and failed mortgage lenders. Mr Bass had no Bear Stearns stock.
Fred Long of Simi Valley, CA and Rich May of Thousand Oaks, CA rented a boat and caught 2 limits of bass to 6 pounds and a 3 pound smallmouth.
Mark Baches drove up from San Diego, CA and was rewarded with a 12.5 pound bass on a swimbait, his last cast of the day.
The big news is Josh Sharp of Casitas Springs. Josh caught a 16.5 pound bass. The largest fish so far this year.
Robbi Martinez of Ventura found a 7 pound bass on a plastic worm.
Mike Kane of Camarillo has been finding Crappie up to 3 pounds in 10 feet of water on nightcrawlers.
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