Santa Ana River Lakes Fish Report for 10-22-2008
Santa Ana River Lakes is Stocked
Santa Ana River Lakes - Santa Ana, CA (Orange County)

by Jim Matthews
(714) 632-7830
NOW HERE'S THE BIG NEWS--------------------And it's really Big News.
First off the cleaning of Santa Ana River Lakes is complete; the Water District is filling the Lake and it should be completely full by October 15th. We will continue stocking catfish every week through out the month of October.
But listen up-----On October 22nd, we will have our official stocking of Rainbow Trout at both Santa Ana River Lakes & Corona Lake. That's October 22nd for the official stocking of trout at both Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake.
Our next 24 hour Family Special Fishing and free camping, will be the weekend of Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at Santa Ana River Lakes and Friday and Saturday nights at Corona Lake, the weekend of October 31.
NOW HERE'S THE BIGGEST NEWS OF ALL------------- We have just completed two new contracts for the stocking of trout at Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake. These contracts will bring you the finest trout fishing you'll find anywhere in the whole country. We have been working to create the best trout fishing available any where in the Country. After several months of negotiations, we can now report we have just inked the best trout stocking programs available.
NOW HERE'S THE DEAL----------------Beginning with our pre-trout opening on October 22nd, we will be stocking trout from two Trout Breeders. The first Supplier will be Mt. Lassen Trout Farm. We have purchased trout from Mt. Lassen for many, many years. They have been one of the premier Trout Breeders in the entire nation, having developed huge Triploid Rainbows tipping the scales at over 28 pounds and setting State of California Records on five successive, record breaking weights. Then too, Mt. Lassen developed new strains of trout including the very popular Lightning Trout, the Thunder Trout, and the Donaldson Strain of Steelhead. Mt. Lassen will be supplying fish to Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake, through out the entire Trout Season, on an every two week delivery schedule. We will be getting huge 20 pound Super Trout and hope to set a new California State Record this year.
NOW HERE'S THE NEW EXCITING NEWS----------------We have been hearing reports of some of the finest Rainbows available anywhere in the United States. They refer to them as "Tail Walkers," because of their aggressive fighting style. They report these fish battle the fishermen by jumping, thrashing and literally walking on their tails across the surface of the water. But this is just a portion of the story. The reports say these fish are the closest thing to a TRULY WILD TROUT. They are described as having full fins, beautifully formed tail fins, vivid, brightly colored bodies and deeply colored pink meat, exactly like Steelhead and Salmon. Additionally, their bodies are rock hard, firm, almost as rigid as if they were made of plastic. All of these reports seemed too good to be true, an exaggeration beyond belief. So in an effort to confirm these reports the Operators of Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake took a plane trip to Nebraska, to check out the home of these "Tail Walkers", the Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch. Much to the Lake Operators surprise and enthusiasm, they found all the reports to be true. Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch owner, Ron Bright, gave them a day long, in depth inspection of all the fish, the facilities and his innovative methods of rearing these beautiful fish. His facility is State of the Art, from the way he grows his fish to the unique semi-truck delivery system. Leaving nothing to chance, the delivery truck has an on board refrigeration system to ensure ice cold water for optimum fish transportation and a rear trailer steering mechanism, just like a huge fire engine, to ensure access to tight space delivery locations. But the most important things are how he raises and prepares his fish for delivery. He hatches his own fish, to ensure absolutely disease free trout. He then feeds the highest quality feed available, rich in high percentages of protein and ingredients as close as possible to that eaten by wild trout. This diet being similar to that of native fish produces the pink flesh, the full fins and the beautifully colored bodies. But his unique innovations don't stop there. Ron Bright has pioneered a unique system of developing hard bodied fearsome fighting trout. He has engineered a secret, proprietary facility to duplicate the environment that a WILD TROUT is exposed to in a swiftly flowing mountain stream. As the trout swims against the raging waters of his artificial environment, for a period of several weeks, their bodies become rock hard, muscular, mean fighting machines, ready to take on any fisherman lucky enough to have the challenge.
To see photos of the "Tailwalkers" click here
Needless to say, this was the most exciting thing Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake's Operators had ever investigated. Now, the problem was getting Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch to commit to a long term contract to supply their Lakes with these magnificent Rainbow Trout. It was not easy, Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch had to make the decision to gear up to supply up to 100,000 pounds of these beautiful "Tail Walkers" and transport them over 1,200 miles to Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake. Before the contract could be inked, Ron Bright, owner of Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch, wanted to personally visit Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake to inspect the facility and the areas from which his delivery truck would be required to stock the Lakes. After several weeks of negotiation, it was done. Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch will bring the beautiful, "Tail Walker" Rainbow Trout to Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake every other week through out the entire trout season.
It can't get any better, huge record breaking trout from Mt. Lassen Trout Farm one week, then beautiful, full tailed, hard bodied, vividly colored "Tail Walkers" from Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch the next week, a facility from half way across the Country, all the way from Nebraska.
HERE'S MORE GOOD NEWS-----------------Eagle Claw Baits and Fishing Tackle have agreed to Sponsor Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake on a long term contract. This Sponsorship makes it possible for us to negotiate and purchase these quality fish and bring the finest fishing opportunities available any where in the entire Country. A BIG thanks to Eagle Claw.
YOU SURE DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS TROUT SEASON-------------- it can't get any better than this.
DON'T MISS IT------------ BE THERE!!! It all begins Wednesday, October 22nd.
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