Big Bear Lake Fish Report

Big Bear Lake - Big Bear Lake, CA (San Bernardino County)

by Alan Sharp
(909) 866-3218

Crazy spring weather that saw snow, rain, hail, fog and high winds come to Big Bear Lake, could not keep avid anglers away, those who showed, were rewarded with quality limits and Big Fish. Top fish of the week was brought in on 5/25 by Darren Etem of Huntington Beach his 6.87 lb. trout was landed on the south shore near the dam while soaking a night crawler on 2 lb. test. Without a net to land the Big Bear Bow, Darren wedged the large fish in the rocks and grabbed it up in a hurry. Father and son team Dave and Jared Van Hosen of Juniper Hills, CA landed 6.65 lb. and 4.61 lb. respectively while fishing with orange glitter Powerbait just east of the observatory on 5/20.

The fishing will remain strong into June, with a lot of trophy sized fish plying the waters of Big Bear Lake. Don't miss out on the chance at one of these beautiful bows. The fish are up and holding in the top 10 feet of the water column. Trollers flatlining CD Rapalas or fishing them 2 colors down on leadcore are doing well. Bait anglers with dough baits and nightcrawlers suspended 10 to 15 down are also seeing a lot of action. The bows are still holding in the middle of the lake with Lagonita Pt. to the observatory producing well. The surface water temperature is holding at 58 degrees an at that temperature the fish will remain in that area until the temperatures rise and the fish start moving west.

Big Bear Marina is proud to announce that we are the first OFFICIAL WEIGH STATION on Big Bear Lake. New LAKE RECORDS will be established! Bring your BIG FISH and QUALITY LIMITS to the marina for weigh-in and be eligible for monthly prizes.


5th ANNUAL CARP ROUNDUP**JUNE 7 & 8----Big Bear Municipal Water Dist. 909-866-5796

OCTOBER TROUTFEST**OCTOBER 4 & 5----Western Outdoor News 949-366-0030

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