Fish Counts by Boat - December 31, 2017

Northern California Fish Counts
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Morro Bay Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Morro Bay Landing
Morro Bay, CA
45 Anglers
Full Day
50 Bocaccio, 27 Lingcod (up to 16 pounds), 50 Rockfish, 350 Red Rockfish
Endeavor (MB)
Morro Bay Landing
Morro Bay, CA
35 Anglers
12 Hour
30 Bocaccio, 10 Copper Rockfish, 35 Lingcod (up to 15 pounds), 10 Rockfish, 300 Red Rockfish

Avila Beach Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Flying Fish
Patriot Sportfishing
Avila Beach, CA
24 Anglers
1/2 Day AM
Low 7 Mile Reef
144 Copper Rockfish, 15 Lingcod (up to 14 pounds), 36 Rockcod, 24 Red Rockcod
Patriot (Avila Beach)
Patriot Sportfishing
Avila Beach, CA
34 Anglers
Full Day
Purisima Point
5 Bocaccio, 159 Bolina, 1 Cabezon, 20 Canary Rockfish, 11 Copper Rockfish, 19 Lingcod (up to 12 pounds), 122 Rockcod, 22 Red Rockcod
Patriot Sportfishing
Avila Beach, CA
18 Anglers
Full Day
Purisima Point
18 Bocaccio, 66 Bolina, 1 Cabezon, 6 Copper Rockfish, 12 Lingcod (up to 13.6 pounds), 26 Rockcod, 63 Red Rockcod

Santa Barbara Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Coral Sea
Santa Barbara Landing
Santa Barbara, CA
26 Anglers
3/4 Day
121 Copper Rockfish, 52 Lingcod, 17 Whitefish, 25 Rockfish, 42 Red Rockfish
Santa Barbara Landing
Santa Barbara, CA
39 Anglers
3/4 Day
82 Copper Rockfish, 53 Lingcod, 95 Rockfish, 213 Red Rockfish

Ventura Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Ventura Harbor Sportfishing
Ventura, CA
27 Anglers
Full Day
1 Cabezon, 5 Sheephead, 42 Lingcod, 50 Whitefish, 2 Rock Sole, 270 Rockfish
Island Spirit
Ventura Harbor Sportfishing
Ventura, CA
23 Anglers
Full Day
1 Cabezon, 38 Sheephead, 11 Lingcod, 120 Whitefish, 230 Rockfish
Pacific Dawn
Ventura Harbor Sportfishing
Ventura, CA
24 Anglers
29 Lingcod, 240 Rockfish

Oxnard Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Aloha Spirit
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Oxnard, CA
22 Anglers
Full Day
3 Cabezon, 59 Sheephead, 4 Lingcod, 76 Whitefish, 217 Rockfish
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Oxnard, CA
43 Anglers
3/4 Day
3 Sheephead, 2 Blue Perch, 3 Lingcod, 430 Whitefish, 225 Rockfish
Island Tak
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Oxnard, CA
11 Anglers
Full Day
1 Sheephead, 4 Lingcod, 15 Whitefish, 110 Rockfish
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Oxnard, CA
24 Anglers
48 Lingcod, 46 Whitefish, 240 Rockfish
New Hustler
Hooks Landing
Oxnard, CA
35 Anglers
3/4 Day
32 Sheephead, 120 Whitefish, 310 Rockfish
Pacific Islander
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Oxnard, CA
30 Anglers
23 Sheephead, 60 Lingcod, 210 Whitefish, 300 Rockfish
Sea Jay
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Oxnard, CA
12 Anglers
Full Day
11 Sheephead, 120 Whitefish, 20 Rockfish
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Oxnard, CA
22 Anglers
44 Lingcod, 91 Whitefish, 220 Rockfish
Speed Twin
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Oxnard, CA
38 Anglers
1/2 Day AM
3 Lingcod, 325 Rockfish

Redondo Beach Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Redondo Special
Redondo Beach Sportfishing
Redondo Beach, CA
37 Anglers
1/2 Day AM
1 Sheephead, 43 Whitefish, 1 Rock Sole, 128 Rockfish
Redondo Special
Redondo Beach Sportfishing
Redondo Beach, CA
13 Anglers
1/2 Day PM
2 Sand Bass, 4 Sheephead, 6 Blue Perch, 2 Lingcod, 75 Whitefish, 46 Rockfish

Long Beach Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Long Beach Sportfishing
Long Beach, CA
41 Anglers
San Nicholas Island
25 Sheephead, 6 Lingcod, 280 Whitefish, 380 Rockfish, 20 Vermillion Rockfish
Long Beach Sportfishing
Long Beach, CA
16 Anglers
3/4 Day
28 Sheephead, 1 Blue Perch, 1 Calico Bass, 160 Whitefish, 101 Rockfish, 39 Vermillion Rockfish

San Pedro Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Monte Carlo
22nd Street Landing
San Pedro, CA
17 Anglers
1/2 Day AM
7 Salmon Grouper, 82 Whitefish, 12 Rockfish, 4 Red Snapper
Monte Carlo
22nd Street Landing
San Pedro, CA
26 Anglers
1/2 Day PM
3 Sand Bass, 6 Salmon Grouper, 9 Sheephead, 150 Whitefish, 47 Rockfish
Sport King
LA Waterfront Cruises and Sportfishing
San Pedro, CA
15 Anglers
3/4 Day
Santa Catalina Island
3 Halibut, 14 Sheephead, 1 Calico Bass, 110 Whitefish, 75 Rockfish, 37 Red Snapper

Newport Beach Fish Counts

Boat Trip Details Dock Totals Audio
Patriot (Newport)
Newport Landing
Newport Beach, CA
71 Anglers
3/4 Day
1 Sheephead, 190 Whitefish, 10 Rockfish